Revealed: How I use Chat-GPT in thought leadership!

If you're losing steam in thought leadership, we'll talk about how to use the cool new tools to get through the times where you'd rather not be the thought leader, but you HAVE to be visible if you want clients or a new role, to contribute to the field, and to secure your future. AND - a community to support you every step of the thought leadership journey open till Friday!

Let's start here: My confidence got derailed last week.

I want to know everything I can get my hands on to help clients grow, right? No stone unturned in learning the crucial specifics of this platform. So, off to LinkedIn I go looking for the right experts to learn from.

But something happened while I'm looking for the right advisor...

I started doubting who I am.

Dang it! All those folks with huge audiences and massive impact.


And also - if you know, you know - growing a business is a marathon.

Often when we say this, what we mean is:

"Slow down! You can't just SPRINT all the time - you're going to burn out and run out of steam!"

But the journey of a startup founder - it's truly a marathon, which means:

You work hard, every day.

If you're reading this, welcome to being the founder of Julie, Inc. (insert your name). It's the day and age we live in where you can't live like you have an employer.

When you're tired from building the startup of Julie, Inc. and less than confident?

You've got little to say, and even less confidence to say it.

The Muddy Middle - it will try to take you down.

Welcome to the Muddy Middle. It looks like this:

  • You have no clue how it got so tough.

  • Your family can't understand why you are not showing up for them.

  • You're running out of steam. Each step forward is difficult.

  • You wonder if you brushed your teeth today.

  • The bills are stacking.

  • Your confidence is waning FAST.

Thought leaders quit in the Muddy Middle. They feel like hiding. That no one would want to learn from them. An imposter. You CAN'T QUIT here. Your way OUT is THROUGH.

It could be from a career transition. Terrible leadership, and you've been surviving in a workplace war zone. A burned-out founder. A really tough health issue. A family crisis. Or... living in 2023 and it's all stacked up for years.

Being visible to your audience in the Muddy Middle is CRUCIAL.

That audience has your buyer, client, future employer in it.

They see you write and they think,

"Oh, that's right - Julie said she can help our leadership team build on LinkedIn and become thought leaders." Even if that post was on heirloom tomatoes.

Here's how to manage your thought leadership without quitting:

  1. You can back down a little (cut from writing twice weekly to once weekly).

  2. Lean on topics you know will help and work for your audience. When you're tired or confidence flagging, you'll resist doing what works in favor of trying to create groundbreaking writing. Resist it.

  3. Share from the heart. Mentor you ten years ago. Less resource, less network, in need of mentors.

  4. Use tools like Chat-GPT to HELP YOU!

STEP 1: I bullet out some points.

I bullet out a few points I'd say to me if I were sitting down at Starbucks with younger me. Less resource. Less network. Scared. Uncertain:

  • Hey there. You're working your tail off for an employer. Going far above and beyond, but not securing your future in the process.

  • It's time to check yourself. You're the CEO of Julie, Inc. (insert your name here).

  • Your employer? Just another client. A business needs to think toward the future. Keep an eye on the business of Julie, Inc.

  • Is what the business offers a useful, profitable service? Do people know what you do? And can they understand what the service will do for them?

  • Find new clients by demonstrating your expertise via thought leadership. If you don't, no one knows who you are and how you help.

  • And running your business? You need to take the reins. Draw the boundary lines (and stick to them).

STEP 2: Open up Chat-GPT and do the magic:

Refine, refine.

Work out four or five versions before you take it out of the AI helper tool and put it on LinkedIn.

I will share checklists for post creation, including what I do before and after I post, along with live sessions and demos in our community - read more below!

STEP 3: Don't go it alone.

Here's what you need to succeed on LinkedIn and in your thought leadership:

  1. A buddy

  2. A community

  3. A guide

Choose one or more of the above.

Grab a friend and COMMIT to each other plans and support each other daily!

OR - you're invited!

Join me and other incredible friends, fellow leaders, and teachers that will guide you in the DIY INFLUENCE community!

Drastically accelerate your LinkedIn journey:

Benefits of joining this community of like-minded leaders growing their visibility:

  • Masterclasses with me and other experts: learn LinkedIn, personal branding, career transition tactics, thought leadership, speaking and presentation skills, and more!

  • A lively community sharing their journey

  • LinkedIn content: gain momentum with comments, reactions to posts!

  • Insights from our years of building thought leader's platforms

I'll see you on LinkedIn and in our community! 


When a weak area may actually be your game-changing strength: My public speaking and confidence journey.


How to change your life - and what's been stopping you. Let's talk overcoming barriers.